
The Wicked Days - Casual review and overview

The Wicked Days Game Review -Cue fire and explosions and whatnot- This super cute game is a top-down zombie shooter. While it is still in its early stages there is still plenty to do.  You start as an old man, while there looks like in the future to be 4 total playable characters. The old man has a mine ability. Which you plop out a mine and I usually back up so the zombies run over it. It explodes as something steps onto it.  There are a multiple range of weapons, you get to hold 2 different guns at a time and one melee. There are also some perks to fighting without a weapon as there are a few combos.  You have a small inventory where you can store heal items and buffs. There are also a few items you can find to help you power your character up, like a burger that adds more health and a toolbox that lets you repair cars faster.  Speaking of cars... I blow them things up. XD That was my one problem, that once the zombies hit the car no matter what side they are on

The Survivalists - Casual overview and review

The Survivalists Game Review What is up everyone we are back to doing game reviews, and this time with a twist. Not only do you get my thoughts in word form but if you get tired of reading you can just get more of my thoughts in video form instead along with some gameplay! Awesome huh? Or maybe even read/watch both. Don't forget to subscribe to YouTube where (hopefully) we keep doing this thing. We will have other content there as well. Now to the main course. So the survivalist is a top-down crash on an island and has-to-survive kind of game. You have a few supplies on the raft you crashed with you can use. This is a multiplayer game so invite your friends to play with you.  You collect supplies which after the blood moon (red moon every kind of moon it's called I forget) supplies in searchable items replenish. This makes it nice if you station at one island and it takes you a while to move off of it.  You can find monkeys either out in the open or in these

Will to Live Online Review

Will to Live Online Game Review   *bonks head* Sorry guys last week we ended up skipping. So, last we played a Free to play game it played like a shooter MMO. You start out with a training course, which I thought was super cute. A basic rundown of controls. There were also chickens everywhere, I so totally did not chase them and then knife them. Nope, not me.  Then you go into this inner city area, there were a lot of random people in this area. You're tasked with a few quests, that then seem to never end. It starts with killing these giant mutated rats, then you'll encounter other things like stay dogs, an even bigger white rat, and invisible crabs things called watchers. There are also weird fetch quests to go grab items, some you can actually just buy from a vendor which is strange but whatever.  In a building, there is an area to store items, buy stuff, and repair things. There are also a lot of jackpot machines scattered around. Once in a while, you

Xera Survival Casual Review and Overview

Xera Survival Game Review Now when I was looking at this game my first thought was DayZ or Deadside but instead of Zombies or Raider-type NPCs, you have robots instead.  So I was quite scared when I was wandering around that these things were going to get me as I walked around with lasers and things.  I was terrified when I first saw a helicopter to my time playing Rust I started to hide in the bushes thinking I was going to get shot.  I did join a PvE server since I learning how to play the game plus I of course was nowhere near geared to fight against any geared players.  My first thought was to check the map, in the map there were a lot of locations that were marked and a series of different events, and then also safe site settlements. So I searched a few houses for supplies and grabbed whatever I could and headed to one of the settlements hoping to sell what I had to maybe get a weapon. At that point, I only had a crowbar and a pipe, for a weapon wise which wasn

Cartel Tycoon - Casual game review and overview

Cartel Tycoon Game Review  So this week we were graciously given a game key for Cartel Tycoon. Now when I think of a Cartel I think of drugs, money laundering, smuggling, and whacking other people off. (Not in a kinky way) My kitty decided to jump into my lap right as the stream was starting.  But like most tycoon-type games you have to make money so that you can build more things. You first start out with building a farm that is making opioids. You aren't making any money yet. After you start producing these products you have to deposit them into storage. I mean you need somewhere to store these items right?!  Now here comes the confusing part. Some of the quest means seemed like they weren't explained well. I want to point this out, read EVERYTHING in the journal as it becomes available. I missed a few things, Like roads, your lieutenants can move from place to place by going through other places, but your normal workers can not and need an actual road to

Ultimate Zombie Defense Review

Ultimate Zombie Defense Review      So this week we are going over a game that I ended up getting from the developers through a site where content creators can request keys from. So thank you so much for the game!      The first thing that I thought about this game was, I played something just like it. On the Xbox One, there is a similar game called Yet Another Zombie Defense HD. But this one had a lot smoother features.       First, you start out by picking a map and difficulty and a character type. There are four different character types. Heavy, Medic, Specialist, and Engineer. Each has its own skill tree and different perks. You can see that I went the Engineer route. Then there are four maps (The Bridge, City Outskirts, The Malls, and DLC Carnival)  with four different difficulties. (Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert) Now, this is also a four-player game, I think they really like the number four. You can play solo offline, and browse some servers to join or host

Hero Park - Casual game reviews - Mobile game

Hero Park Game Review  This week we are going over a mobile game that I randomly downloaded while I couldn't sleep.  Hero Park is about an old adventurer and his unicorn who after adventuring goes back to his hometown to find it utterly destroyed. He wants to restore the town and what is a better way than attracting people to the town to well take their money.  So there are two things that you do make items to sell to adventurers and make monsters for the adventurers to fight. (the adventurers don't know we make the monsters and treasures.) You can see that I'm level 11, (this took a few days to get there) and I have quite a few different shops. There is a tavern for food and beer, an alchemist, a forge, a tailor, and some other things.  Now inside each shop, you can make various items depending on your shop keep. I have two here in my tavern and you can see one makes food, beer, and cookies, while the other makes beer and shots. Now you can earn points