
Showing posts with the label board game review

Just a Little Boop!!

Boop This is a very cute 2 player cat game. It came out in 2022 and has won a few awards and nominees. It's something that you could play round after round and also great for kids.  Gameplay When I started to learn this game it made me think of that old nursery rhyme. No more monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. The strategy of the game is to get 3 cats in a row. But you start off with kittens.  The box turns upside down and is converted into a bed, with a pillow top. This is your playspace which is small pillow squares of goodness for your kittens. Now you start with 8 kittens each playing a kitten one by one. If you place your kitten next to another it boops it one space away from your kitten. Your kitten can only boop the ones right next to it, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. It does not cause a chain boop reaction and if there is a cat or kitten in the way it doesn't also move those.   Kittens can not boop cats, only cats ca

Chaos Magic - Casual gaming review

Chaos Magic What is chaos magic? Well, I have played Magic the Gathering for years, and have enjoyed all kinds of side quests provided by the game like Arch Enemy, the board games with the tiles, and the many formats there are. We mainly play EDH anymore (Commander) So I decided to do a new spin on playing it.  Basic You have your normal pod of players and play the game almost normally. The first round is normal but at the start of the second round things are a little different.  Before you start your turn so before upkeep. You roll a 20-sided die.  Evens, you get the positive bowl. Odds, you get the negative bowl.  With the exception of 5, 10, 15, 20. If any of those are rolled, you don't draw a slip, instead, you put the used slips back into the bowls they came from.  Now to the bowls, what's with bowls and slips? Well, each bowl has a range of good things in the positive bowl, or bad things if it's the negative bowl. There is an exception for neutral

In a pickle a game of big and little.

In a Pickle card game In a Pickel is a small compact card game easy to carry anywhere. I mean the box is tiny. But it does have a big concept.   In this, everyone gets a hand of 5 cards while there are 4 cards laid out in a cross-like pattern. Each card is an object. Now this game is based on creativity, and if others agree with it.  So let me tell you a story. There was a flood filled with tourists, that was caused by a giant alien monkey's tears. He had a best friend who was an alien giraffe whose planet was twice the size of the monkey planet, and who had a grandmother whose foot was even bigger than his best friend.  You might be thinking what the heck am I talking about? Well, this game has to do with the big and the small.  We'll go back to the beginning. In the cross-like pattern with cards that have objects, the point is on your turn is to place a card that is either bigger or smaller than a card row. So for instance, if the card is ant, and you hav

Sparkle Kitty: A game to make your friends princesses!

Is this a game for little girls? Probably but also great to play with your friends to make them say all these funny words. The first step is the youngest goes first, or someone dressed as a princess. So the best thing to do? Get a tiara and watch everyone fight over it. (watching your husband wear a tiara to go first is fantastic!) So what is next? Everyone has to pick a princess to be, there Princess Princess, Princess Violet, Princess Metal, Princess Punch, and more. Then everyone gets 9 cards, not looking at them at all. You take 4 cards from your pile face down and put them under your princess forming a tower. The point of the game is to break out of your tower. The rest of the cards form your hand. Each card has a color, symbol, and a word on it. (there are special cards too) You have to match the symbol or color to play a card. There is a spell book where you play your cards. Each turn you either play a card or draw and pass. The spell book only ha

Dragonwood a Game of Dice and Daring

This game we ended up getting this as an Easter present for the kids. Let's just say my other half likes dice and it was a game that had dragons and dice. There are a lot of words when it comes to the instructions and my kids gave up paying attention halfway through. But pretty much there are two decks one made up of monsters, events, and enchantments, and the other makes up your hand of characters. Now the characters don't really matter it's the numbers and colors of the cards that do. To start off every person gets 5 adventure cards in their hands, (the deck of characters) five landscape cards get laid out (the mixture of monster and enchantment cards). On your turn, you can do one of two things, draw a card then pass your turn or attempt to capture a card. So to capture a card well start by talking about the landscape cards. Each monster and enchantment has three different defense stats stomp, scream, and strike. Some have higher in one stat and lower in anoth

Noisy Persons

So this is a game that I picked up because it was on clearance at Toys R Us when it was closing. So it was only a few bucks. It looked like something that would be fun with the kids and boy was I right!! So like a lot of games, there is a judge who picks a character card, while players have 7 cards in their hands that they can choose what phrase goes the best with the character. Here is the fun part! Once you have the phrase matched with the character you have to voice it yourself! So at this point, everyone does their phrases and voices then the judge picks the winner giving them the character card. Then you draw back up to 7 cards. After each person has been the judge 3 times whoever has the most character cards wins! The kids found that this was hilarious, it was also a good game to play with adults too! Watching your friends voice out all these characters. Because it was a game that was sold at Toys R Us it is something that might be hard to find. But good news! I rece

Trailer Park Wars

Trailer park wars is a fun game to play (and destroy) your friends. First you start off with collecting a 1, 2, and 3 from the tile piles. Once everyone has collected their tiles, flip them over and this is what you trailer park is called. So you could end up with something like Dump view Rectangular Villa, Chicken Neck Country World, and more fun names. Next trailers are passed out from a deck, arrange them how you want. Depending on how long you want the game to last or how many players you have, you can have 6 to 12 trailers. (The instructions says deal out all the trailers, but we always play with 6 to play others games during game night too. Plus we have expansions too that's a lot of trailers) The n you get passed 7 cards for your hand these cards do the following: Action Cards: can help the player or be used against an opponent. Tenant Cards: with traits that include their job, age, what they can be placed near in your trailer park (It's a bad idea to put some

The Freddy Game

Here we go back to 30 years for this one. It somehow still had all the pieces too. But old slapstick horror A Nightmare on Elm Street with the man himself Freddy Krueger as the star. Here we can see the layout of the board and the pieces. Each person gets a player. Each person has their own fear. Mom is afraid of rodents, and the mailman is afraid of lightning. Now everyone has a hand of cards, four white cards and four black cards. Among the black ones is a you are Freddy card. (make sure to keep it a secret you are Freddy until you have the upper hand) Now the point of the game is to either kill Freddy or Freddy kill each player. On your first turn, you roll the dice to progress, while on your second turn, you have the option of rolling OR telling a story with the cards in your hand. If you have a hallway card you can move to a different room using room cards. A story could be like, "I heard moan ing in the cellar , so I walked down the hallway with my crowbar . but

Jurassic Park Danger Board Game

This is the start of board game reviews. The main concept of this game is to turn on the three attractions and make it to the helicopter before the dinos eat you or before the spots are all taken up. One player will be the dinos, and of course, they want to gobble up all the players. Everyone else will be a random character and each has their own abilities to make it past the dinos. Each player has a deck for their character and keeping five cards in your hand at a time, those are how your character moves. If it is running, sneaking, or climbing to another area. The dinosaurs can also sneak so watch out. You must collect your character token, which each has a different way to collect them. Some are by task while others are by just visiting a certain area. Which you can work together with others, or work against them to make sure you can escape. Once the attractions as activated like, the visitors center, maintenance shed, and the control center, you have to make it to the