Will to Live Online Review
Will to Live Online Game Review *bonks head* Sorry guys last week we ended up skipping. So, last we played a Free to play game it played like a shooter MMO. You start out with a training course, which I thought was super cute. A basic rundown of controls. There were also chickens everywhere, I so totally did not chase them and then knife them. Nope, not me. Then you go into this inner city area, there were a lot of random people in this area. You're tasked with a few quests, that then seem to never end. It starts with killing these giant mutated rats, then you'll encounter other things like stay dogs, an even bigger white rat, and invisible crabs things called watchers. There are also weird fetch quests to go grab items, some you can actually just buy from a vendor which is strange but whatever. In a building, there is an area to store items, buy stuff, and repair things. There are also a lot of jackpot machines scattered around. Once in a while, ...