Sparkle Kitty: A game to make your friends princesses!
Is this a game for little girls? Probably but also great to play with your friends to make them say all these funny words. The first step is the youngest goes first, or someone dressed as a princess. So the best thing to do? Get a tiara and watch everyone fight over it. (watching your husband wear a tiara to go first is fantastic!) So what is next? Everyone has to pick a princess to be, there Princess Princess, Princess Violet, Princess Metal, Princess Punch, and more. Then everyone gets 9 cards, not looking at them at all. You take 4 cards from your pile face down and put them under your princess forming a tower. The point of the game is to break out of your tower. The rest of the cards form your hand. Each card has a color, symbol, and a word on it. (there are special cards too) You have to match the symbol or color to play a card. There is a spell book where you play your cards. Each turn you either play a card or draw and pass. The spell book only ha...