Gah! - Casual Gaming Review


This dungeon crawler roguelite game is a game you will want to keep playing out of achievement or out of spite. Gah! was developed and published by Jasio Games and is set to release in September 2024. 


There are 6 playable characters three of which you will have to unlock. So you'll start with the choice of Sorcerer, King, or Rouge. The sorcerer can only use light armor and staves, the king can use anything, and the rouge can use light armor and bows. 

You start with a basic weapon, it's by chance or by buying in town you'll get new armor or weapons. As you level up you'll get the choice between 3 stats and two skills. The skills are random so sometimes you might get the things you want while sometimes you might not get anything you would use. You can also pick something that you already used to level it up further. If of course, it's one of the choices. The stats are intelligence, endurance, and strength. 

You have 4 skill buttons Q,W,E, and R. The right button is your attack while the left button is your movement. Yup, you move by mouse. Space is your health potion and T is your mana potion. You can check your inventory with I and change any equipment you may have picked up. With C you are able to check your character's information, and with S you will get to apply orbs to passives. 

You get a random assortment of orbs for beating creatures. You use those orbs to give passives. This is a roguelike so if you die of course you have to start over. There are orbs for each stat. There are also gold orbs that are even better as those at any town can be applied to permanent passives. The game will give you some golden orbs for dying the first few times. I guess it feels bad for us. 

I ended up picking auto levels when each of the levels started more potions and even a random item. There are also passives that have to do with each stat too. You can also reset your passive at any time, which is awesome in case you want to run a different type of character. 

There are a few different types of creatures I have run into so far. Melee ones that just run and jump at you, bow users, magic users, and big guys that buff everyone around them and have a lot more health. The magic users also have a variety to them between, ice, fire, and poison. The first levels have goblins, and the next adventure has skeletons. 

To finish the level you have to find the stairs. When the levels start or you move onto the next level you get to choose where you go. To town or between two different places. Each has a task for you to perform for more rewards but also could have different difficulties. Like faster enemies or could just have more loot. 


I loved this game. I have played it over and over trying to see how far I can get. The developer is also super involved in Discord so that's also nice to see. I didn't like the mouse movement in the beginning but have grown to like it more. While I also don't know if I can change the camera angle or not? I'm a button masher so all the buttons I tried didn't do it was too lazy to check the keys. 

It is really up to chance and skill if you can go further in the game than before. Like I mentioned before sometimes you get the choice of two skills you might not really like while the ones you like never seem to pop up. While good loot might drop sometimes and sometimes not. 

There are also secret chests, I'm not going to tell you how to unlock those XD Just know they are a thing. I did find one on stream so you'll have to go watch that to find out. 

When I finished my first adventure I got a pet piggy that picks up all the gold, so I assume that also might be how you unlock the other characters by finishing an adventure. 


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