Just a Little Boop!!


This is a very cute 2 player cat game. It came out in 2022 and has won a few awards and nominees. It's something that you could play round after round and also great for kids. 


When I started to learn this game it made me think of that old nursery rhyme. No more monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. The strategy of the game is to get 3 cats in a row. But you start off with kittens. 

The box turns upside down and is converted into a bed, with a pillow top. This is your playspace which is small pillow squares of goodness for your kittens. Now you start with 8 kittens each playing a kitten one by one. If you place your kitten next to another it boops it one space away from your kitten. Your kitten can only boop the ones right next to it, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. It does not cause a chain boop reaction and if there is a cat or kitten in the way it doesn't also move those.  

Kittens can not boop cats, only cats can boop cats. With that said how do you get cats? Well like winning the game you need three cats in a row, you need three kittens in a row to turn into cats. Once your kittens turn into cats, remove them from the board and put them in the box's lid, and they are removed from the game. You will always have a combination of 8 cats and kittens. You can also turn kittens into cats if you get a combination of 3 cats and kittens together like 2 kittens and a cat or two cats and a kitten. They still need to be removed from the board the cats just go back into your pool, when the kitten gets removed from the game and banished to the lid. 

I just remembered, yes your pieces can be booped off the box. Use this strategy to boop your opponent's pieces off the box and out of your way. 

BOOPBoop game boardBoop cats


My daughter cheats I think XD XD But it is very easy to boop pieces into places to help your opponent more than hurting them, more often than you think. I have accidentally made the other person win a few times. While the same goes the other way around. It is something that can be played round after round. The cats are also really cute to top if off. 


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