Clothing Store Simulator - Casual Game Review

Clothing Store Simulator - Casual Game Review

This game is what it sounds like, you run a clothing store. It was developed and published by Kiki Games. This game was given to me by a program called Keymailer, so thank you devs for the game! 


You start off with a small almost empty shop. There is a computer to order things from and a cash register. It will be your job to buy displays and clothing. There are clothing racks, shelves, plants, manikins, changing rooms, and a few other things. As you level up in the game you unlock more things. This includes employees, bigger spaces, items, brand deals, and whatnot. 

Your first brand deal includes three articles of clothing. There is a range of clothes, shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, coats, bodysuits, hats, shoes, and shorts. Like mentioned before as you level you will be able to buy new brand deals. This also includes personal deals. You can create your own clothing and sell it. In men's clothing, you can make long and short-sleeved shirts and hats. While for women you can make a t-shirt, hoodie, hat, and dress. Since I was doing this while streaming I made Rose Garden branded clothing, which a few people said I should make for in my actual clothing shop. It's pretty cool to see the customers come back and wear something you made.

Now you not only have shop space but also a warehouse to expand on. In your warehouse, you can store all your extra stock of clothes. Your employees can also chill back there when they are not working. You can hire cashiers, restockers, and warehouse employees. This is super helpful because as you sell things you need to keep your shelves full as customers will get angry if they want something and the shelf is empty. Warehouse workers will bring things from the street into the warehouse, while restockers will grab the things from the warehouse and restock the shelves. You can even customize your employee's clothing and the shop's bags. The warehouse workers will only move the stock, they won't move the furniture that you buy. 

So not only can you buy things to decorate your shop like plants, seating, and a few other various things you can also paint the walls, and change the floors. Mine is chaos and we aren't going to talk about it. You can also change the name of your shop on the front of the shop. Of course, my shop's name is Rose Garden. 


I love this game and have been playing it a lot off-stream. 16 hours so far since Wednesday. There is a leaderboard that I plan on trying to get higher on and not down in the 4k-6k mark. If you save mid-day and close the game, if anyone is carrying something those things will be on the floor when you come back. I ended up having a big stock of things in the street when I saved, when I reloaded in my employee got all stuck in those things which I had to move before they were free. I feel they sometimes take the things out of the changing rooms that people leave sometimes they don't. Same for things on the floor. They tend to snag things more on a reload than while you are playing the game for a while. So I just grab the things from the changing rooms and throw them on the floor in the warehouse and they'll pick them up from there. Some things take forever to unlock. Like the first cashier, and the first restocker. It was a challenge to keep up with everything. 

I wish you could change the door placement. Painting is also weird some places are bigger blocks than others. I'm also not sure how the going to cashier works because sometimes some lines are super long while one register is empty. It looks like there is a stats screen coming soon, but I wish it would tell you on the ending day screen which items were too expensive or out of stock. It just lets you know the number of things that happened. I wish there were also wall items, paintings, lights, displays, something. Neon signs for the windows would be cool too. 


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