Hitmen Havoc - Casual Game Review

Hitmen Havoc

This is a party shooter with up to 8 players. It was developed by, Andreas O., Marvin Pogoda, Maksim Rotmann, and Richy D. and then published by TangleTech.

Right now it's just in its pre-release mode but others can join you if they have the demo. But the lovely devs sent me a key to play with friends. They even have a lovely road map letting you know what's coming up. 


This game was incredibly fun, we had a total of 6 people playing and for the spaces you do not fill you can also choose to fill with bots. 
There are fun hats you can equip but in this pre-release version, you can't unlock the achievements to get more hats. 
Each character has different stats to it between their speed and health. So picking the right character for you can't just be done based on looks. 

There is a locked skills tab, so I'm wondering if we're going to get fireballs, or passives as well. 


There are a lot of various maps with different layouts and obstacles. Some I liked better than others, and there was one map that we all kept getting disconnected. There are 11 maps in total. 


So on the map, there are various locations that will float power-ups. These can be shields to add an extra bar of protection. Health to replenish your health. Ammo to fill up your current equipped weapons ammo. Then, also a lot of weapons. 

Your pistol is what you start with and can always switch over to. As you can hold two weapons. Only your secondary weapon will change. You also have a punch that has a good knockback. 

The secondary weapons you can get are: 

SMG, spray your enemies with bullets. 

Assault Rifle, steady shot. 

Laser Blasters, I forget to let go of the charge and die. I mean you charge it and unleash a big blast. 

Crossbow, is a good knockback and it sounds cool. 

Sniper, can hit through multiple enemies. 

RPG, blow yourself up if you do shoot it too far. Which is all the time. 

Grenades, Also blow up yourself. 


I loved this game. It was fun to play with friends. We played each map, then switched over to doing random ones for over an hour of fun. 

Of course, because it's a pre-release game there are a few problems. A lot of my friends kept clicking off the game despite changing their screen preferences. 
There were a few disconnects, and spawing in with no weapons, not being able to pick up new ones. Which honestly made it funnier. There were also a few times the person just couldn't move at all for a match. Not sure if it was my internet or the game. 

One other thing I thought was cool is that there is a streamer mode. This lets you hide the lobby code. So it was easy to slide my friends the lobby codes without having random people join in. 


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