In a pickle a game of big and little.

In a Pickle card game

In a Pickel is a small compact card game easy to carry anywhere. I mean the box is tiny. But it does have a big concept.  

in a pickel card game

In this, everyone gets a hand of 5 cards while there are 4 cards laid out in a cross-like pattern. Each card is an object. Now this game is based on creativity, and if others agree with it. 

cross like pattern

So let me tell you a story. There was a flood filled with tourists, that was caused by a giant alien monkey's tears. He had a best friend who was an alien giraffe whose planet was twice the size of the monkey planet, and who had a grandmother whose foot was even bigger than his best friend. 

You might be thinking what the heck am I talking about? Well, this game has to do with the big and the small. 

We'll go back to the beginning. In the cross-like pattern with cards that have objects, the point is on your turn is to place a card that is either bigger or smaller than a card row. So for instance, if the card is ant, and you have the card envelope you would place that card on top of it as the envelope is bigger than the ant. While the next player might have dust, which is smaller than an aunt so that card would go under that card. 

game progression

Now how do you win the game? You win by getting a certain amount of rows based on the number of players, playing.  But how do you get rows you ask, and why was there such a story. Well, when a stack of cards gets to 4 cards it starts a pickle round. In a pickle round, you have to think big. Like giant alien monkey big, that is if everyone else agrees to your nonsense. Once the pickle round starts the next person has the chance to place a card bigger than the last card. It goes all around the board back to the person that started the pickel round where they have the chance to snag the row. Whoever placed the biggest thing takes the row. A new card is then pulled from the deck and placed in the empty spot. You always draw back up to the maximum hand size. 


how to win
pickle round

Now what happens if someone's story doesn't check out. For instance, no I don't think Grandma Giraffe's foot is bigger than the monkey's best friend. Well, majority rules, that is why I said everyone has to agree to your nonsense so make sure you have a valid explanation of why something is bigger. Get creative! If everyone says, "I think not" then you have to put that card at the bottom of the deck and draw a new card. 

This game can be played with 2-6 players.


This is one of those games that I think is great for all ages. For kids it makes them really think out of the box, it also adds silliness. With adults same thing but also imagine playing it as a drinking game and the nonsense that might come out of people's mouths. I really enjoyed it and it's also a fast game if you have a short amount of time but also want to play something together. 


I know I haven't done a board/card game review in a long time but I do plan on doing more of these. We recently moved all our board games from the closet to a shelf in the dining/game room. So they are easier to get to, and I realize there are a lot still in the plastic... (I'm so sorry neglected games, I'll play you I swear.)

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