Taora: Beginning - Casual Gaming Review

Taora: Beginning

Taora was developed by Tulpar Games and was published by Tulpar Games and TheGamesFortress. It's an open-world survival community builder. The key was given to me through a program called Keymailer so thank you devs for the key! This version of the game is a demo of the game Taora: Survival. Get it it's the beginning of the game?

The Start

You start out at a base where the game tells you to grab some tools from storage, right now the only things that are in your base are a storage area, some toilets, and a command center. The storage center is well a small storage area, you later will also be able to make a chest for more organization. The command center is where you can switch between community members and build other stations in the base. 

In the storage, you can get a pick axe and an axe. The first task would be to go chop some wood. In the process of that, you'll eventually have to start building the various stations. 

Workshop: There you can do basic crafting, as well as smelt ores.

Water collector: Collects water at a certain rate, you can fill water bottles there. 

Medical: You can craft bandages, first aid kits, and something else I can't remember what it was called but you can also store medical supplies. 

Cooking station: You can not only make food on the grill but also have food storage.

Farm: The food storage is shared with the farm and you can farm there.

Bunks: It's comfier to sleep there, which also signifies how many members you can have. (The demo lets you have 3.)

Generator: Supply power.

Armory: Can make bullets, weapons, and clothes.

Car station: Used to armor up the car and change aspects of the car.


There is a lot of going and collecting resources. Some items drop more than others, while some spawn in areas more often than others. The respawn rate of items is pretty fast. The next day everything is back to full. You can even find cars out there. Make sure to collect gas. Gear items will also have different grades, so look for those purple and gold items. Once and a while there is also a supply drop to go snag. There is lots of crafting, and it took me forever to realize you could scrap items. I had a large collection of bookbags for a while.  

The zombies around the map have a lot of different looks. I've seen policemen, cheerleaders, football players, and more. They have a cute look to them. Some I feel are faster than others, but it's not like a certain type of zombie that is faster than others. There are also unique zombies, like a really big guy, and one that is oozy. There are also bandits around the map. I ended up running over some with my car because I felt that was a better idea than getting out to fight a mob of them. 

When adding community members each person might have different traits. So they might be better for one job versus another. You don't want the master chief to do the hunting. One person can only do one task. So for me, I have someone hunting while the other person is cooking just so we have food since there is a limited amount the demo camp can grow. 

There is a skill tree, as you level up you can choose your person's path. Also choosing to increase other aspects like strength, agility, intelligence, and durability. I would think switching between community members and leveling each up would be beneficial. 

Make sure you are feeding and watering your character. They need to eat you know!


I really enjoyed the game. I would like to play the full version for sure. Of course, after unlocking everything in the base it doesn't let you upgrade the stations or anything because it is a demo of the game so I get it. So I had to do a lot of things that I would have delegated to other community members if I had them. I also had to build storage boxes to house things like ammo and guns since the base storage could only hold so much. 

One big problem I had was the cars would disappear. Their icons would be on the map but they wouldn't be there. I did find once I got the station for the car upgrades that if I parked on that it didn't despawn. This was after I already lost two.  

But this is in the line of games I like for sure, I'm always looking for more, survival, building, crafting, farming, type games to play. 

You can check out my gameplay of the game here. Don't forget to check out my socials in the socials tab!

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