Enshrouded - Casual Gaming Review


This is an action-adventure survival base-building game. It was developed and published by Keen Games GmbH. This demo key was given to me by the developers of a program called Keymailer. The demo was out for Next Fest. So, thank you for the key!


You wake up in a capsule inside a temple. You've been asleep for a long time. As you run out you pretty much have nothing, your first task being to make a base. 

As you make your way to the waypoint on the map the game goes through basic concepts. Throwables can blow up and change the terrain as well as the other items. I dug myself in a hole at one point. 

A lot of things are breakable so once I got something I could swing (a sword) I started to hit everything I could. Which was good because I was getting all sorts of materials. 

There is something called well enshrouded, it's an area that is tainted. Having a light with you decreases the rate at which it affects you. But it's pretty much if you are in that area too long you will perish. Of course, monsters are more prevalent in those areas. Some areas do have beacons you can stand at in the middle of an enshrouded area so that your meeter doesn't extinguish. 

Not only are there infected-looking monsters, but there are also I guess what I would call bandits. I ended up finding a bunch located in what looked like a camp. All the loot though, so many things to snag. 

Now you have to build a flame altar to claim your spot and that is what gets upgraded to strengthen your area.

Of course, you need to collect resources first like stones, wood, and other materials to make things. You can craft tools, buildings, and other things. Of course, you'll need a workbench to craft more advanced items. 

As you progress through the story you can also unlock people. This was an interesting concept to me, because with a person they will chill in your base area and you will be able to craft things from them. So take your time and build a city space with all the people you unlock.

So it's pretty much following the quests, unlocking things, and adventure. 

There is a web skill unlock. As you level there are tons of ways you can go to improve your character. 

There is also a wide range of different weapons, swords, bows, and axes, each having different stats and abilities tied to them. There are also tools you need to get to certain areas of the map like making the grappling hook. 


I enjoyed this game a lot, it was hard to play in a sense of difficulty-wise. I kept dying to things until I figured out how to fight them a bit better. 

There is a lot of adventuring and exploring to collect things you might need. The controls weren't hard to use, and I really liked the concept of the game. It was right in the area of games I like. Pretty much everything you broke gave you mats, so destroying everything was satisfying for sure. 

Want to watch some of the gameplay? Here is the live stream

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