Vampire Survivors - Recap

From Steam to Xbox

The Xbox changed their Gold subscription to Xbox Core or something along those lines. With that, they offer a small 25 mini Game Pass. Among those games was Vampire Survivors A game I played and reviewed when it first came out on Steam.


This game is a wave game, where your hits are automatic based on the level of the item you have as well as other elements like power-ups you have purchased. There are a wide range of characters you can play with that each have their own abilities and starting weapons. A lot of you have to unlock from using certain items during gameplay. There are also unlockable levels to progress through. 


What I found interesting while playing it in couch play mode, was that up to 4 people can join your game with you on the couch. 


A big difference is the leveling. 

When you kill monsters sometimes they drop gems, and the gems are experience. Each time you level up you get a choice of a new weapon or item. Maxing out when you hit 10 and if you have the right weapon and item you can evolve that item to a more powerful version. 

Well in this couch play version, it switches between each other alternating the levels. Player one gets the first level choice, while player two gets the second one. 


Another big change is that when you die while having another player alive, there is a count and after that time you respawn with half your life. 

This was an interesting concept seeing normal game play once you die the round is over. 

Gameplay with two people

Co-Op is harder than playing by yourself. When I am alone I have a pattern that I like to follow. Stay in one general area so that I can farm the gems to level up, but also move enough so that new lights can spawn so that I can hit them for chicken, or powerups. 

While playing with that second person they might go all over the place and constantly die. They might not pick the right items or weapons and leave themselves defenseless. 


I still like this game despite my couch co-op player having a hard time keeping up. It just sucked I had to start all over versus the save file I had on PC. 

Below is my original game review on the game, go check it out, and don't forget to subscribe! 

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