Diablo 4 - Casual Game Review

 Developed and published by blizzard entertainment it’s the 4th installment to the series and let me tell you I’m having fun, there are a few things I dislike but we’ll go over that later for now what’s the game like?

If you don’t know, Diablo 4 is a hack and slash, open world, RPG.

This Diablo is a little different from the others, while still having a lot of similarities. In the past you had to follow the story to unlock new areas, in this one, you can just go wander and explore. But if you are a low level some of the other areas might have higher level monsters. Once you level far enough all areas will just scale with your level so no going back to past areas to smash lower-level monsters. I don’t mind this too much I can still light everything on fire! If you want to fight easier monsters just stay in lower world tiers.

Speaking of fire there are currently 5 classes, with the announcement that there will be more in the future. Barbarian, sorcerer, necromancer, rouge, and druid. I think vampire knight/blood knight was announced.

I started with Necro and wasn’t feeling it, then switched over to Sorceress and loved it!

I like fire mwahahahaha


In this game, we get a new dommy mommy with Mother Lilith the daughter of Diablo who was summoned back into Sanctuary by an apprentice that just needed more attention.

You follow around the shadows of her and her followers through 5 different regions. Each with their own towns, teleport, dungeons, and more.

As you level you can unlock more abilities to choose from, you only get a certain amount of skill points so make sure to put them where you want, trying different layouts that fit your fighting style. After level 50 you get paragon points that improve your stats. Give more power to your skills. You can also only have a certain amount equipped to use.

Each character has a different enhancement to their character. Necros have the Book of the Dead, barbs have weapon expertise, and sorceresses have enchantments. No clue with the other two have. (don’t judge  me)

Monsters, chests, and breakable objects will drop a range of things, gold, health containers, mats, gear, and weapons. You can also get caches from completing quests to open. You can also buy some gear and weapons in town.

Sometimes will have aspects on them, rare aspects will have to be extracted to be transferred to another item, while some aspects can be added by completing dungeons.

Towns will have a variety of different shops in them, some will have a few but main towns will have them all. I find the whispering woods waypoint is the best to quickly salvage, sell and shove things in your storage box to quickly get back to fighting.

In towns, you can find, weapon, and armor shops, where you can buy and sell items. The blacksmith is where you can upgrade your gear, breakdown them for mats, or repair your gear. There is a healer to get healed and replenish your health potions automatically. Potion shop to upgrade your healing potions, make potions that last 30 mins incense that lasts 20 and scale to the number of players around you, and be able to make mats from a select few other mats.

 The jeweler area is a merchant you can buy and sell from and another one where you can upgrade the jewels you find for sockets, add sockets, remove things from a socket, and upgrade your jewelry. The horse stable is where you can buy a mount and saddles, you can also use that to change your horse, saddles, and trophies that you want to display.

In the wardrobe you can change your appearance and the look of your gear and weapons from the transmoge you dismantled from the blacksmith. In a storage box, you can store anything, as well as buy more chests inside for more space.

An occultist is a place where you can change the aspects of your weapon and gear, dismantle them to snag the aspects off them, and change one perk on an item. Later in the game, you’ll also be able to craft items that turn a dungeon into a nightmare dungeon to be able to update glyphs.

Glyphs are nodes inside your paragon, that you can equip and upgrade to boost various status and perks depending on the glyph you choose. With nightmare dungeons, you can level these glyphs.

In the beginning town, there is also a place you can change the word tier. Each tier makes the enemies harder but also gives better gear, more experience, and more gold. Some gear like sacred and ancestral will only drop in the higher tiers.

There are world events, like world bosses, gathering legions, and hell tide. World bosses and gathering legions you join other players to defeat enemies for rewards before the time runs out. Helltide you fight monsters in a certain part of the map to be able to open chests with the currency that drops. Once it is over the currency resets.

There is also a PVP area, don’t worry you can still fight and grind the area without having to go into PVP mode if that isn’t your thing. You collect currency and go to a node that turns those into funds. You can leave the area until you do that, or you will lose the progress. You can get horse mounts and things with those.

I loved the game, I played on Xbox One so I’m not sure how it plays on pc or the newer system. I find there is a problem when going into high areas with other players it lags a bit. When in the early access the few days prior to release, my wireless controller wouldn’t stay connected I had to plug it in. After release, I didn’t have a problem. I have had problems with co-op when I leave my couch player and they continue playing some progress doesn’t stay, but the items would be in their inventory, just no quest progress or level advancements, helltide wouldn’t work either. A HUGE problem with horses, they seem to be stuck in the mud when first mounting them sometimes. I find that if you turn in a wide circle it can break it, if that doesn’t work turn in a circle the other way. In some rooms in dungeons, you have to slay all the enemies in an area to get out of the forced room, nothing ever drops in those rooms, no gold gear or anything. Of course, with any MMO-type game, you’re going to have player aggro mobs to you and leave you in the dust surrounded. I noticed some mobs will follow you forever, but others will go back to their places. It’s weird.

I love to randomly find where someone else was fighting nearby just to pick up a bunch of loot that drop because I was nearby, and something died.

I have to say fighting with a party is better than alone, of course, you get more experience that way too. Especially if your partner uses a barb and you are a squishy sorceress, so you log in to his account and use him as bait. *nods*

LET me know in the comments what your favorite class is and how you are building it!!

Here is a video version of the review, don’t forget to subscribe!

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