Elder Scrolls Online - Casual Overview and Game Review

 Now, this is something that I have been playing for a while now. I played for like a month last year and it was hard to stick with because I was the only one playing. Now both my kids and my husband play so goodbye world bosses we are coming for you! We even got the bank and seller cats to help us as we're out in the world doing randomness so we don't have to go back to town as often.

Now there is a lot to learn when it comes to MMOs I have played quite a few, WOW, FlyFF, Guild Wars 1 & 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and Runescape. This is one that I really could get into, it's not extremely basic but it is not too complex. So not pattern fighting like FF XIV and nothing like old FlyFF where you just collect drops and hatching eggs and marrying are important. (My pets were cute though.)

So when you get into it you pretty much build your character, the race you want which each has their own skills as well as the class you want. Don't forget to get some cute hair! I ended up going with a Dark Elf Sorcerer. (I do Elves in every game I play shhhh don't tell Orcie) Hubs went with a Paladin, My daughter a Dragon Knight, and my son a Night Blade so we have a nice variety of classes.

 Grabbing some basic armor and a weapon that is good for your build is just a small step. For some reason, I wanted to run out of the gate like I did in Skyrim and try to learn everything, but that is just not how it goes. At level 15 you can have the choice to swap between weapons. My son chose to swap between dual welding and a bow, while I switched between a healing staff and a destruction staff. (These kids are always dying.) My daughter is behind on levels and I think my husband just runs around with the biggest hammer he could find. 

There are items you can randomly collect around the world like different reagents to make potions, mining nodes for weapons, and jewelry, cloth for clothes, and wood for bows, staffs, and shields. You can do these things at crafting stations, researching traits that destroy the item or breaking them down to try to get some things out of them. All of which improve your level. Of course, you have to refine the materials you find first, can't just take a log and turn it into a staff. You can use skill points to improve what you can do with crafting, including but not limited to having more research spots, making those items around the world glow to find them easier, and even having a hireling send you mats once a day. 

Delves, World bosses, dungeons, and all sorts of other things litter a map. There are also so many maps and places you can visit as they keep bringing out new DLC each year. (I just picked up all the DLC for 20 bucks during the Steam holiday sale.) Some you have to do with a group while others you can do alone. But like always the game is better with friends. From what I read you can actually group up to 25 people! While there are 12 people in dungeons, I wonder if that's just a suggestion I haven't gotten to do those yet... 

You can have cute pets follow you around, get companions to fight with you, and ride mounts around to get to places faster and showcase your fancy duds. 

When you level you get some points for either magic, health or stamina make sure you are putting in where you need them. If all your attacks use up mana you won't want to put points in stamina, while on the other hand, you don't want points all in stamina if you need more overall magika. Then you get those skills points we talked about. Each weapon can have 5 active skills as well as one ultimate. So it's building each weapon with what works. As well as putting points into passives that help out as well. Once you find different guilds you'll also be able to have extra skills to select from. Then of course, if you are putting points into a certain armor class you won't want to wear a different kind of armor. I've always navigated to light armor over heavy but was surprised to find there is also medium armor. 

Even though there seems like a lot to the game I still love it, of course, I have always liked the style of the Elder Scrolls games. It's not really that bad guys. Of course, if you do play this game I stream it every Wednesday and soon add Saturdays to the schedule, with also playing it every day if anyone wants to link up!

Looking to get the game? Find the different ones below, these links help out the stream!

Want to see my YouTube review on the game?

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