Tribes of Midgard - Casual game Review and Overview

Tribes of Midgard Game Review

Welcome back everyone, or if you are new here hello!

This week we are looking at Tribes of Midgard, a Viking game where you have to explore, collect, and fight. You have to do this all while protecting your village at night when the helthings come to raid it to destroy the life tree (insert name here). 

While you collect resources, hunt animals, complete tasks, and kill enemies you collect souls which can heal your life tree. If the tree dies so does the run of the game. When the game ends you get points for the current season where you can start with different starter packs, new runes, and even clothes instead of being almost naked. (I just wear gloves, I swear it's all I have so far!)

Now you can play this alone, with a group, or match play up to ten people. It makes the game a bit easier to group up areas, search farther, and take down the Johems faster. 

Now when it comes to the village your villagers can be leveled up. Each of them sells something different and as you level them up they unlock more things you can craft for of course the right materials that you must find in the world. There is also a quest board where you can unlock blueprints for weapons or gain other items. You can also build gates, and archer towers to defend against the helthings. Just don't let them destroy the gates or you'll have to build them from start to finish again. They do heal some during the day. Around your village, there are also spots you can repair to get more resources. There is a quarry, a lumber yard, and a farm. Every ten minutes they will drop resources off for you in the war chest for everyone to use. 

When it comes to the weapons you, of course, need to check what each does there are different attributes of each so make sure you are making the right weapons for not only your style but also for what you are going to fight. Using a fire sword on a fire enemy doesn't make much sense. 

I LOVED this game. There are a few problems with it though. A few glitches where you can't pick up items and have to walk away from them or even wait for a while before being able to grab them or acquire the souls. I noticed this the most when you would destroy a barricade in another area.

If you want to check out the video review you can find it here: 

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