The Survivalists - Casual overview and review

The Survivalists Game Review

What is up everyone we are back to doing game reviews, and this time with a twist. Not only do you get my thoughts in word form but if you get tired of reading you can just get more of my thoughts in video form instead along with some gameplay! Awesome huh? Or maybe even read/watch both. Don't forget to subscribe to YouTube where (hopefully) we keep doing this thing. We will have other content there as well. Now to the main course.
So the survivalist is a top-down crash on an island and has-to-survive kind of game. You have a few supplies on the raft you crashed with you can use. This is a multiplayer game so invite your friends to play with you. 
You collect supplies which after the blood moon (red moon every kind of moon it's called I forget) supplies in searchable items replenish. This makes it nice if you station at one island and it takes you a while to move off of it. 
You can find monkeys either out in the open or in these temple vault kinds of things. Which you can then teach them how to do jobs for you which is super helpful. (as long as your fellow multi-players don't change their jobs on you *coughs*)
As you make things you unlock more things to make, so progressing takes some time when you can't find the item you may need. Like my starting island had no metal at all. Let me tell you something the other islands are more dangerous. (I need a pet tiger though)
One of the biggest problems I came across was dying on the water, you then had to build another raft and I ended up dying again in the same spot trying to get my loot to kill the shark that was eating the other raft. 
Another thing that was bothersome was you can't save it unless everyone is lying down. Like most survival games you can save at your bed, but each person needs to lie down for it to trigger the "save/sleep" options. 
The last thing that bothered me was there was no armor that I could tell, it was all done by what you were holding I believe gave you different kinds of health. 
But each is kind of small grip, not anything too big. I really loved the game overall and will continue to play it. (I just need to figure out how to get the monkeys to attack with me)

Below you can watch a video review/overview of the game along with some of my gameplay from past live streams!

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