Will to Live Online Review

Will to Live Online Game Review

  *bonks head* Sorry guys last week we ended up skipping.

So, last we played a Free to play game it played like a shooter MMO. You start out with a training course, which I thought was super cute. A basic rundown of controls. There were also chickens everywhere, I so totally did not chase them and then knife them. Nope, not me. 

Then you go into this inner city area, there were a lot of random people in this area. You're tasked with a few quests, that then seem to never end. It starts with killing these giant mutated rats, then you'll encounter other things like stay dogs, an even bigger white rat, and invisible crabs things called watchers.

There are also weird fetch quests to go grab items, some you can actually just buy from a vendor which is strange but whatever. 

In a building, there is an area to store items, buy stuff, and repair things. There are also a lot of jackpot machines scattered around. Once in a while, you'll hear someone win something. A medical tent and even a bar. This is a safe area where the monsters can't come in. But right outside the ring is the enemies. Some quests can be completed by the group while others are just done by you. 

Now if you die you get transported back to a safe location, and you lose a few items from your inventory. So no need to do a body run. 

There are two things I didn't like, the first one is only slightly bothering. This is because the game is really gritty, in the 3 hours that I play I only got maybe 1k in currency (after buying ammo, shoes, and a helmet, not even a new gun) 

The second one really killed the game for me, I joined a non-pk server. That means no player killing. When in the town you can see the symbol so I was like sweet. But when out in the outer world, when I was doing a quest I got hit by a bullet and I know it was a player because once I went back out in that area the no-pk turned off. How can you advertise a server like that and let it still be pk? As you guys know now I am more of a PvE player than a PvP one unless I have a large group to PvP with me. 

I really liked the base of the game, the idea, and the concept. I don't mind grinding games, but with the added pk in a non-pk server, it makes the grind a bigger deal.

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