Cartel Tycoon - Casual game review and overview

Cartel Tycoon Game Review

 So this week we were graciously given a game key for Cartel Tycoon. Now when I think of a Cartel I think of drugs, money laundering, smuggling, and whacking other people off. (Not in a kinky way)

cartel tycoon loading screen image

My kitty decided to jump into my lap right as the stream was starting. 

But like most tycoon-type games you have to make money so that you can build more things. You first start out with building a farm that is making opioids. You aren't making any money yet. After you start producing these products you have to deposit them into storage. I mean you need somewhere to store these items right?! 
Now here comes the confusing part. Some of the quest means seemed like they weren't explained well. I want to point this out, read EVERYTHING in the journal as it becomes available. I missed a few things, Like roads, your lieutenants can move from place to place by going through other places, but your normal workers can not and need an actual road to it. So you can't just link places together. They all need the main road to be linked to it. 

cartel tycoon gameplay image

What's a lieutenant? Well technically you are one, but then you can hire more, some have free cost others have daily costs. You want to make sure your people are being taken care of otherwise they will go off on their own to do whatever and cause you to gain some attention from the authorities. 

After making some opioids you have to do something with them, so you take them to the aerodrome where you can fly them out and get some dirty money in return. You can't really use the money until it's washed so the next site you set yourself on is a taxi service you eye in town. Being able to take your money there, to launder it into fresh clean money makes it all nice.

Now you see another gang in the neighboring town and they have a seaport. So what do you do? Take it over of course. Each lieutenant has a power number, so make sure your power is higher than your enemies. If you need some help send another lieutenant over for some backup. 

Now seaports are different you can't just send the opioids over as they don't take illegal items. So you have to mix them with vegetables. So the next things to do is to make vegetable farms, a warehouse for them, and a workshop that will mix the opioids in with the veggies. 

But you have to be careful while trying to bring the money back because you don't own that town you have to pay a fee when your money passes through the city, which also attracts some government where they might check your smuggling points for a few days. 

Then to get control of a city you have to talk to the mayor and do some tasks for him and boom it's yours and you can now build and use that town like well you own the town. 

So as mentioned before the thing that kind of drove me a bit insane is when doing some of the quests and tasks you have to read everything, and even then you kind of have to figure out how to complete the quest right. Gaining favor in a town means buying from a village, building something in the city, or participating in festivals or events. Why would I think doing a festival in another town would increase the favor for another town. Well, it's because the favor is a general thing, not just for each place and that was where the confusion was. 

But I loved the game it was chill besides my annoyance of trying to figure a few things out. 

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