Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

 So, a few days was my husband's birthday. A little backstory about this game is that we used to play the first couple on the PlayStation 2 when we first started dating. When we stopped at game stop to check our preorder for the Marvel zombie Dr. Doom Pop figures (which I was a month early on) we wandered around and looked at games. It was then we both realized that we never picked it up and the hype kind of died on it pretty fast. Me being in the streaming world you can see who really latches onto what games. Unfortunately, the always most popular games are FPS for the most part. I'm just not into that scene anymore. 

Okay actually talking about the game now. *bonks head*

marvel ultimate alliance 3 game image

My first reaction was, yes! Couch multi-player, my lady is a playable character (Scarlet Witch which I fell in love with the character in the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance and have been a fan since), and well I guess you could say I am a Marvel fangirl. With that out of the way, the handlings felt really similar, can switch between the four characters you have that make a team, and you have different abilities to use, but there were a lot of new aspects unless my memory is just that bad. But I liked the hex level-up system that seems a bit grindy but you can't just have everything easy. I also chuckled at the ISO add-ons. I play Marvel Contest of Champions on my phone, and ISOs are used to level up characters, pretty much giving them experience, and different colors for the different types of heroes (science, mystic, cosmic, etc). Of course, blowing up all the items in a room is always my favorite to gain items, heal, and well just for the pure entertainment factor. 

Now there is one thing that did drive me and really more than anything my husband is insane. The camera angles. They should have done a more top-down angle with some of the abilities of some of the characters you just can't see. If I am in the foreground with Scarlet Witch and Hubs is in the back with Wolverine he just can't see anything that is going on with Wanda's Chaos/Hex magic doing its thing.  The camera isn't moveable in some areas, and even when you can move it it's just weird.

Other than that I like almost everything else I feel the story is moving pretty fast like the levels are a bit short. But I'm not really too far into the game either at least I don't think so. We just got to where you can modify and upgrade the ISOs. I do like how there are other things to do for more rewards, like the infinity levels, I have not tried the gauntlet either. But I really liked this game and will continue to couch play with my husband. 

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