Sparkle Kitty: A game to make your friends princesses!

Is this a game for little girls? Probably but also great to play with your friends to make them say all these funny words.
sparkle kitty game image

The first step is the youngest goes first, or someone dressed as a princess. So the best thing to do? Get a tiara and watch everyone fight over it. (watching your husband wear a tiara to go first is fantastic!)

So what is next? Everyone has to pick a princess to be, there Princess Princess, Princess Violet, Princess Metal, Princess Punch, and more. Then everyone gets 9 cards, not looking at them at all. You take 4 cards from your pile face down and put them under your princess forming a tower. The point of the game is to break out of your tower. The rest of the cards form your hand.

Each card has a color, symbol, and a word on it. (there are special cards too) You have to match the symbol or color to play a card. There is a spell book where you play your cards. Each turn you either play a card or draw and pass. The spell book only has symbols in two play areas, the word spell has a star and horseshoe, while the word book has a crown and heart. When you play your card you have to say the words that are on the spell book. So if you play the word monster on the word spell you have to then say monster book.

Now I mentioned the point of the game is to break out of your tower by getting rid of the cards in your tower. So how do you do that? There are a few ways.

The first is by emptying your hand, when you do that you take one card from the bottom of your tower to your hand and then draw back up to five cards.
The next way is by playing a double on a card. What you do is say double the card's name and play it over the card. This can be done at any time. But you can only do it twice on the same card. By saying Double double and the card's name. Each time you play a double draw a card from your tower.
Another way is through special cards. Sparkle and Kitty cards are color only and can't be played by matching a symbol. There is another card that can be played on any color that lets you take two cards.

There are other special cards as well like a card that lets you pay any playable cards that turn, a card that lets you make a player drawback up to five, and then there are also dark cards.

So that brings us to how to add cards to other towers. Dark cards are one way this gets played next to your tower instead of playing a card on the spell book. You then add a card from your hand to someone's tower. But with the dark card you now much say that word in front of every spell you play on the spell book from now on. If you play another dark card it just replaces the previous one.
Another way is to catch people not saying their spells, not saying double, and not using their dark card words before spells.

At first, I was like this is silly, no one is going to want to play this, it's super girly. Everyone is a princess and my son and husband aren't going to want to play this. But as we actually started I realized it turned into something hilarious because we just wanted to force each other to say these silly spells.
Who doesn't want to hear their husband say cuddle monster or kitty splosion'? This would even be a great game to play with friends, not just kids! It's like, "Ahhhh you didn't say your dark card add a card to your tower!!!" It's almost like calling someone out for not saying, Uno.
So call out your friends for not saying their magic words! Call them out for not saying double while placing a card down. But all in all, make sure to defeat the EVIL sparkle kitty and break out of your tower!!! 

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