Dragonwood a Game of Dice and Daring

This game we ended up getting this as an Easter present for the kids. Let's just say my other half likes dice and it was a game that had dragons and dice.

dragonwood game image

There are a lot of words when it comes to the instructions and my kids gave up paying attention halfway through.
But pretty much there are two decks one made up of monsters, events, and enchantments, and the other makes up your hand of characters. Now the characters don't really matter it's the numbers and colors of the cards that do. To start off every person gets 5 adventure cards in their hands, (the deck of characters) five landscape cards get laid out (the mixture of monster and enchantment cards).
On your turn, you can do one of two things, draw a card then pass your turn or attempt to capture a card.
So to capture a card well start by talking about the landscape cards. Each monster and enchantment has three different defense stats stomp, scream, and strike. Some have higher in one stat and lower in another. You pick what one you will be doing by the cards in your hand, if you want to stomp you have to have cards with numbers in a row, like 3,4,5. If you want to strike you have to have cards that all have the same number. Then to scream all the cards you use have to have the same color. Now you can use any number of cards as long as it follows the rules for what you are using. You could use just one card or all five. Now for each card you have you get to roll one die. So if you just use one card that once dies, if you have 4 cards that's more dice you can use.
If you succeed you take that card, enchantments give you different abilities some are passive, and others you can only use once. While the creatures you collect to gain points, the person at the end of the adventure with the most points wins.
If you do not make the roll you need you return the cards to your hand and then discard a card from your hand. While if you win you discard all the cards you used. The landscape also needs to be refilled back up to five cards. You only draw a card when you choose to as one of your actions for your turn. If you are lucky you will draw a lucky ladybug and get to draw two cards instead. Now another card that might pop up in the landscape is an event card. We got one that was every player discards a card.

So how do you end the game?
You either go through the adventure deck twice or defeat both the blue and orange dragons. (I know the orange dragon kind of looks red) So if there is a tie between points whoever captured the orange dragon wins the tiebreaker.

This is a game I would play again and again. It's easy for the kids to get as well as soon as it gets rolling. I might even just play it with a group of adults too.

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