Trailer Park Wars

Trailer park wars is a fun game to play (and destroy) your friends.
trailer park wars

First you start off with collecting a 1, 2, and 3 from the tile piles. Once everyone has collected their tiles, flip them over and this is what you trailer park is called. So you could end up with something like Dump view Rectangular Villa, Chicken Neck Country World, and more fun names.

Next trailers are passed out from a deck, arrange them how you want. Depending on how long you want the game to last or how many players you have, you can have 6 to 12 trailers. (The instructions says deal out all the trailers, but we always play with 6 to play others games during game night too. Plus we have expansions too that's a lot of trailers)

Then you get passed 7 cards for your hand these cards do the following:
  • Action Cards: can help the player or be used against an opponent.
  • Tenant Cards: with traits that include their job, age, what they can be placed near in your trailer park (It's a bad idea to put some of the old people with bands, or the druggies with crime stoppers. The cards will tell you of negative and positive effects.), also there is an icon depicting how many flamingos they are worth.
  • Amenities Cards: allow for more points when played.
  • Natural Disaster Cards: have a negative effect on an opposing player.
On your turn you get to play three of these cards (I realize we play a lot of house rules reading the instructions) 
We play at the end of the turn you count up the flamingos on the cards (pink for positive and black for negative) But it's actually supposed to be at the beginning of your turn. (Not the first go around since nothing is placed) 

But the normal steps are, count your flamingos, resolve event cards, (Like rat infestation, if you have a card to get rid of it, or if a card like the werewolf which is in an expansion tears away a tenet and moves to the next trailer park) play up to three cards from your hand, discard an unwanted card, then draw back up to seven cards. (we also play only every two turns you can discard unwanted cards) 

So once all the flamingos are collected, count them up and the person with the most wins!

All in all I love this game, it's one of my favorites. You can hitch up your tenets to get more flamingos, throw negative tenets in others parks, break up couples, steal tenets, blow up trailers, and even steal trailers. You might think those lawn flamingos are tacky, but in this game they are gold. 

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