Jurassic Park Danger Board Game

This is the start of board game reviews.

The main concept of this game is to turn on the three attractions and make it to the helicopter before the dinos eat you or before the spots are all taken up.

One player will be the dinos, and of course, they want to gobble up all the players. Everyone else will be a random character and each has their own abilities to make it past the dinos.

jurassic park danger image

Each player has a deck for their character and keeping five cards in your hand at a time, those are how your character moves. If it is running, sneaking, or climbing to another area. The dinosaurs can also sneak so watch out.

You must collect your character token, which each has a different way to collect them. Some are by task while others are by just visiting a certain area. Which you can work together with others, or work against them to make sure you can escape.

Once the attractions as activated like, the visitors center, maintenance shed, and the control center, you have to make it to the helicopter which only houses three players, so be quick before the spots are filled. You can also vote between players to turn the electric fences on once the attraction is activated. 

Don't worry dino player, everything is done by the luck of the die. Want to sneak well you have to roll higher than what is on your card, want to activate an attraction, have to roll higher than a 5.

When you are caught by a dino, don't worry you also don't auto-die. The dino simply chomps on your player deck. One for the smaller dinos and 2 for the Rex. Once your player deck is gone, you are dead.

It was a really fun game to play, for the group. I'm sure I might have missed something. 

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