Heroes of the Monkey Tavern

So I was going through games that were on sale in the Nintendo eShop. I found a dungeon crawler game called Heroes of the Monkey Tavern I was thinking okay it's cheap I have gold coins let's get it, but then I saw there was a demo. Sweet, I can try it first! So I downloaded it and the Switch takes forever to download the game unless it is sitting right next to my wireless router. So I didn't remember I even downloaded the game till a few days later.
I booted it up and had a cute little story to begin with. It empathized 4 heroes in the story. Then you pick 4 hero classes and avatars. You also add a few points of your choice to their stats as well. I was excited to start it off. I'm suddenly in a dungeon and it took me a bit to figure out the controls. the left stick does nothing. the left buttons each move in a direction, while the right stick looks around the direction you are facing. The L and R switch the direction you are facing and the ZL ZR switch the character that is highlighted. (didn't find this out till later) So I figured out how to navigate and start making my way through the dungeon. I find like a little shelf with a health potion and I think a knife. It took me a while before I figured out how to pick it up. which I believe was X that picked it up, maybe Y. But the one that didn't pick it up brought up a menu of character stats. So I proceed to a room with a switch I pull it and out comes a spider. I have no idea how to fight but the only buttons I haven't used are B and A so I push B and it hits the spider. Cool it was at this point I figured out you could switch between characters and thought you know what I'm going to check the controls for this.  I B is for one attack A is for the other. Each character has one hand. So I could now use the mage's fire and the healers will heal.
The problem with this is I end up hitting the turn button while trying to push the switch characters button. and end up getting hit constantly until I am dead.
Really the controls are what made me mad enough to not play after I died. While I really like the concept, I honestly didn't check if the layout could be changed. But the game is on sale on the Nintendo shop right now if you guys also want to try the demo first before buying.

hero of monkey tavern image

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