The current Dayz

So right now Dayz is a game preview, pretty much a beta game on the Xbox One right now. Pretty much you buy the game at an unfinished price and have to deal with the development and working out the bugs. Of course, it is at a reduced price than what they are going to sell it at afterward. Ark had their game at $19-$29 until its release at $59. Dayz is currently $29.99 it was on sale over the holidays for black Friday and I believe the PC version which is farther ahead than the Xbox version was on sale last week.

That all being said this game is in development and we have no clue what is going to change or be the final product. As an Xbox player, I can see what is happening on PC and expect that to happen on Xbox next, but other than that we have no clue what is really in store.

Recently they added "base building" and cars. I say "base building" Because at first, you could walk right through all the walls, then they don't clip into anything. You can't use them to fill gaps on buildings that might have holes, or really get too close to anything. Even placing items like tents and barrels is hard seeing even if it is in an obviously clear spot, it still won't let you place the things down. So right now all of the base building or having a stash somewhere is kind of annoying. But another thing I noticed is, despite me locking a door if the server crashed, reset, restarted, etc. all my doors would be unlocked. So if I were to stash barrels in a house for loot for later the door would just be wide open for anyone to take. Adding on for anyone to take server hopping is a real thing. Servers should be locked for that reason. It is too easy to log out and log into another server to get into that spot someone might have locked. It also takes off the combat edge of logging in behind where the guy was shooting you from. While they now added an in-game 15-second countdown so that you have to wait to log out and have your character vulnerable for those 15 seconds, they also added a few-minute countdown to join a server after that. While it has helped kind of?? It didn't really solve the problem. They should have locked the servers instead of adding a few minutes of time out between joining servers after leaving one. While I enjoy the lots of loot from jumping from one server to the next, it still makes the game a bit easier that having to search the whole map or wait for the loot reset to completely gear up.
The one thing that drives me insane is the hit registration. Something right in front of me won't be taking damage, wolf, chicken, zombie, etc. Despite it being right there... Then on top of it, some zombies decide to spawn in on top of you while you are already taking care of some, and others seem to teleport to you. While you just seen them running from quite a far amount of distance away. Boom there is a flock of zombies that weren't there a moment ago. Then sounds make no sense, you can walk through a town shooting zombies with a suppressor and be fine. Then you go to the next town and do the same thing and suddenly the whole town is aggro'd on you. It's like the game forgot the gun was suppressed. Then some zombies just stand there even when they see you. Like you can just walk up to them face to face and they won't move. The zombies are just broken.
The night is awful. I like that it isn't forever any more. But I usually just log off for the 2-5 minutes that it lasts, until it is over. The glow sticks used to be great, nice little radius then you could faintly see your buddy use one too. But now they just slightly glow you and nothing else. I mean flashlights are the way you have to go if you are night venturing. But then the headlamps don't even work.
Cars are a whole other story. Don't get me started on those. Gas burns up fast if you aren't shifting right and TBH who really knows how to manual drive to begin with? The parts are either superabundant or you can't find them for days. Then the trucks I have never seen on the map, but their parts are everywhere... Like I need a car battery, not the 8 truck ones I found.
Inventory navigation is terrible as well. I just want to be able to pick an item and move it easily, not all this drag and drop that doesn't register half the time anyway, seeing you can't even figure out how to get it to go where you want it to... T.T *throws controller and gives up*
I mean the game has great potential. I heard a lot of good things about it before they wiped the game and started over using a different engine. Even with the many problems it has I still love playing it.

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