Diablo 3

So recently my husband and I have been playing Diablo 3 on weekends. He started to game a lot more than he has ever, coming home after work and gaming for a few hours rather than watching television for that long. He told me a few days ago, "I kinda missed gaming."

So that got me thinking, there aren't as many co-op games as there used to be. Most co-ops you have to have two Xbox ones to play, or you can play co-op split-screen, but then you can't play with your other friends.

That point being said Diablo 3 makes the best of both worlds, it's co-op and two other friends can join. I love the RPG aspect that you can equip tons of different armor and weapons with different abilities. You don't like the items look or color? That's cool you can change it, for a small price of course. You can throw each other items, or stash them away for later use, or to pass them to another one of your characters. Speaking of characters, there is a new necromancer that has recently been released, so it adds to the choices of characters you can choose. I think I'll stay with the Wizard for now though. My problem is the camera angle. You are on a fixed screen, but at the same time, the games you can change in co-op is a battle between people of what way it should be going.

There's a decent amount of abilities each character has, but you can make each of those unique with upgrades that you'll learn as you level up. The story line has its twist and turns, some of them you can predict. It also has a good length to it, so games you'll play and just stare at the screen like.... "that's all I get?". The maps can get a bit confusing as one part looks just like another part. I was having trouble with my husband going one way thinking we haven't gone that way, while I was the only one looking at our mini map. Which reminds me that is another problem I had, I don't like how you get teleported to the other character when you get a bit too far. Zoom the screen out a bit more or just don't let it go any further. It's not like the other person isn't sitting right next to you, to where you can just yell, "HEY, STOP DRAGGING ME."

The great thing about playing this weekend, is that there is a 200% bonus experience boost. We rocketed from level 42 to 70 over two days. It makes me feel somewhat sad, thinking it would have taken double plus of that to level that far. So, yay us!

We didn't broadcast with a camera or voice on while we played. I also didn't have the chat up on the screen. Sorry. Just wanted to have some couple time, maybe next time. I have the feeling we'll be playing each weekend or any free time we have.

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